In this guide you'll learn about exporting and importing your schedules to Excel so that you can edit them in bulk.

Please note You will need access to the schedules area of your system. Contact the Support desk if you need assistance

 In This Guide:

1) Export the Excel File

2) Understand Columns in The Excel File

3) See Some Examples - Adjusting Normal Tasks

4) Understanding/ Adjusting Workloading Tasks

5) Upload Your Completed File

1) Export The Excel File

Go to Admin>Rosters & Schedules>Schedules
Choose the Roster & Role from their respective drop down menu.

A Roster is a collection of 1 or more Roles, for example "Night Shift Roster"

A Role is like a job description, for example "Cleaner 1" or "1st Floor Cleaner" or "East Coast Manager"
Choose Actions>Export To XLSX:
Here is an example of what it should look like.

2) Understand the Columns in the Excel File

  1. ScheduleID: This is the systems unique ID for the task. Make sure you do not change this column as it will then generate a new task in the system when re-importing.

  2. Site: Site is location where the tasks are going to be performed.

  3. Sunday-Saturday: These are the days when tasks need to be done. These are days they will appear on the user's dashboard.

  4. Period:1 means the Schedule should occur every 1 week, Schedule is Sunday-Saturday. For a monthly tasks Period column will be 4 because the Schedule will occur every 4th week.

  5. Duration: In how many days the task should be completed. 1 If the task should be completed on the day it is created. 3 if the task must be completed within 3 days of it's creation.

  6. Role: It is an organizational role assigned to a person. This is generally assigned by your Implementation Analyst, you generally don't need to change this.

  7. TaskType: You can define the type of the task in this column using the dropdown menu. You cannot add new TaskTypes from this XLSX file.

  8. Name: Name of the task that will appear on the dashboard

  9. Description: Provides more information on the the Task.

  10. StartTime: In this column you can define the earliest time this task can be started. Eg if you want your task to be started no earlier than 7am, then write 07:00:00 in this cell

  11. StartWindow: The amount of time in minutes after the StartTime that the task is marked late.

  12. ExpectedDuration: The estimated amount of time the task is expected to take.

  13. SortOrder: The order in which a task should appear, this column can be in consecutive numbers. Task with lowest SortOrder will appear first in the system. Eg numbering "1" "2" "3" "4" will sort the tasks.

  14. Level: This column affects the appearance of task in system, highest Level task will appear first in system and you won't be able to see lower level tasks until all high level tasks are completed. In this screenshot there are 4x "Level 100" tasks, these 4 tasks will be the only things that the user sees until they have finished all 4x, then the dashboard will show the 8x "Level 80" tasks, then once those are done the user will see the 8x "Level 60" tasks.

  15. Labels: You can label to tasks based on it's occurrences, for example, if the task is occurring every 7 days then you can label this tasks as Weekly tasks. Labels are used for filtering and sorting, and are generally setup by your Implementation Analyst, you generally don't need to do anything with this column except match the pattern of the other tasks in your system.

  16. Area (Workloading): An Area allows you to define groups of Site Features.
    For example, the Room and the Bathroom, would each contain their respective Site Features listed above (2x beds, 2x TVs in the Room and 1 Toilet with 1 Sink in the Bathroom)

  17. Activity (Workloading): An Activity is the work that is performed on the Feature. Like "Disinfect" or "Dust"

  18. Feature (Workloading): Features allow you to outline the quantity of Features that are present at a Site.
    For example, room mentioned earlier, has 2x beds, 2x TVs and 1 Toilet with 1 Sink:

  19. Book (Workloading): A Book is a digital collection how how rapidly an Activity is performed on a Feature.
    These are often based on physical books of times, like the ISSA 612 Cleaning Times & Tasks

  20. WLoading Saturday - Sunday (Workloading) : Child schedule of activities, this is the schedule where we can define what tasks should appear on which day even if the parent schedule is appearing.

  21. WLoading Period (Workloading): 1 means the Schedule should occur every 1 week, Schedule is Sunday-Saturday. For a monthly tasks Period column will be 4 because the Schedule will occur every 4 week.

  22. Archived:  This column is used to define weather task should be in system or not, Y will Archive the task from the system and N will Not Archive the task in system. Use this column with caution as it deletes the tasks from the system.

3) See Some Examples - Adjusting Normal Tasks

Change the Date A Task Occurs

In this example we'll change a task from Mon & Fri, to 7 Days a Week:


After, notice how we've typed "Y" into all the columns for days of the week:

Delete A Task

All We need to do here is changed the Archived value from "N" to "Y"



Add A New Task

Generally one of the best ways to add a new task to an existing schedule is to copy an existing row of the spreadsheet. But be sure to delete the ScheduleID in your copy or your changes won't be saved.

  1. Right click on the row you want to copy, be sure to click the number of the row on the far left hand side. In this case we've clicked row #4
  2. Click Copy

  3. Right Click the row underneath, in this case it's row #5
  4. Click "Insert Copied Cells"

  5. Immediately delete the ScheduleID in the row you've just created (highlighted red here for clarity):

  6. Make any other changes to your new task. Note how the ScheduleID cell is blank, this tells the system that you want to make a new task.

 4) Understanding/ Adjusting Workloading Tasks

Prior to adjusting Workloading tasks, please review the article 'Introduction to Workloading' to understand how this function works.

The below maps out what is represented in each column of the schedule and how to set up your schedule for workloading. If you are unsure of any of the below information for your system, please export a current schedule from your system to see how your system has been set up or contact our support team for individual support. 


Scheduled = For each workloading task, the ScheduleId needs to be the same as the 'Name' column (8th Column) 

Roster = Roster for which you are uploading the schedule.

Site = Floors or Building for tasks

Parent Schedule = See explanation below

- Sunday

- Monday

- Tuesday

- Wednesday

- Thursday

- Friday

- Saturday

- Sunday

Period = 1

Role = Valet/ User Role Name

Task Type = Schedule time set for your system (For example: Morning, Mid Morning, Afternoon, Night)

Name = Site (3rd Column) + Task Type(7th Column) + “Tasks”

Description = BLANK

StartTime = BLANK

StartWindow = BLANK

ExpectedDuration = BLANK

SortOrder = BLANK

Level: Based on Task Type set for your system (7th Column) 

For Example:
IF Task Type = Morning THEN Level = 100
IF Task Type = Mid Morning THEN Level = 80
IF Task Type = Afternoon THEN Level = 60
IF Task Type = Night THEN Level = 40

Area = Area/Feature (Source Information)

Activity = Activity (Source Information)

Feature = Area/Feature (Source Information)

Book = Name of Standards Book for your system

WLoading Schedule = Child Task Schedule (Source information)

WLoading Sunday

WLoading Monday

WLoading Tuesday

WLoading Wednesday

WLoading Thursday

WLoading Friday

WLoading Saturday

WLoading Period = 1

Archived = N

Understanding Parent/Child Schedules

In Workloading, you are using two sets of task frequency columns which are called 'Parent' and 'Child' schedules. A 'Parent Schedule' is the first set of columns (D - J) and is determined by both the Name column and by the 'Child' columns. A 'Child Schedule' is the second set of columns (AA - AG) and is determined by the Client's Source Information on what days the 'Activity' Occurs. 

 5) Upload Your Completed File

From the schedule screen, click Actions > Import From XLSX:
Add Your File From Your Computer by clicking Choose Files > Selecting the excel document and clicking open.
See Confirmation of your import. You'll know the file successfully uploaded by seeing the "Up Arrow" (#1) You'll know your import worked if you see the green ribbon saying "Success