In this guide you'll learn about the advanced options you have available for your tasks

In This Guide:

1) What You Need

2) Monthly by week (Every 4th Monday)

3) Monthly by day (2nd day of every month)

4) "# Days Grace" to complete task

1) What you Need

  • Access to the schedules area of your system.
    Contact the Support desk if you need assistance

  • Go to Admin>Rosters & Schedules>Schedule


2) Monthly by week (Every 4th Monday)

This is done in the Excel Importer by simply adjusting the "Period" column to 4.

See the help guide HERE for how to manage your schedules by Excel. Example below:

3) Monthly by day (2nd day of every month)

Go to the recurring tab of your schedule, Select Add New and Choose your task type.

Give your Task name then press Add.

Assign a site to your task and give it a description.

Click the "Schedule" tab (#1) define your days (#2) and hit SAVE CHANGES (#3)

If you want a user to have, say, 3 days grace to complete a task, you can give them the task on a Tuesday and have it stay on their system until Friday, or until it's completed. This avoids the task being cleaned up automatically by the system every night. This is useful for tasks like stairwell cleaning, that might not need to be done on a strict timeline.

4)"# Days Grace" to complete task

Open your task and change to the "Schedule" tab, make your changes. The default setting is "1" meaning that a user has 1 day to complete the task.

This task will be issued on Tuesday and cleaned up by the system on Tuesday night if it's not completed. If you wanted to give the user until Thursday night to complete this task, you would change the "1" to a "3"